consulting + research

Música y cambio. A new aesthetic paradigm in the last quarter of the twentieth century.
"Música y cambio" is a course that is celebrated in parallel to the International Festival of Contemporary Music in Alicante. It gives the keys to understand the climate for musical creation and its renovation in the seventies in Spain.

Conferences. Espacios Vitales
The conferences and meetings of Espacios Vitales want to establish, on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, a dialogue and reflection between artists and academics regarding artistic practice.

Zero espazioa en el Museo Guggenheim Bilbao
Zero Espazioa is the visitor orientation centre of the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao. This dynamic and interactive area provides the public with the key information they need to make visiting the museum a unique experience.

Interpretation Center La Pepa 2012
Promoted by the Consortium for the Commemoration of the 2nd Centenary of the 1812 Constitution, the purpose of this interpretation centre is to describe the historic context of La Pepa using multimedia materials and dramatized scenes.

Articulaciones. El impacto de la cultura en la economía global
The idea behind "Articulaciones Think Tank", a two-day forum being held in New York, is to provide a space for reflection and the exchange of ideas between cultural and creative industry agents.

CentroCentro de Cultura y Ciudadanía. Palacio de Cibeles
Through its experience in the field of cultural mediation, hablarenarte: participates in the opening of this new cultural institution of the City of Madrid via a study and a training program.

Interpretation Center on Parlamentism
Promoted by the Consortium for the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Constitution of 1812, the purpose of this Interpretation Centre is to approximate the experience of parliamentarism to the citizens through the memory of the Cortes of 18

Artist Groups in Madrid. Associative experiences
Conceived as a practical and dynamic course about artistic associations, the “Taller de Agrupaciones Artísticas en Madrid” is an initiative for students of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

New cultural managment. Online course with Plataforma C
“New Cultural Management” is a course that analyzes different manners of adapting to the context on the basis of experience with projects already carried out by hablarenarte:

Cultural Management courses at CAMON Murcia
In its commitment to training and professionalization in the field of cultural management, in 2012, hablarenarte: is teaching two courses on cultural management and project financing with European grants in Camón Murcia.
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